Path Summary (KEY: C = "Compressed" (i.e. don't fully whammy), S = "Skipped", ES = "End Skipped")
SP Score: 59084 Pathstr: 1-3-2-3-2
SP Score: 58624 Pathstr: 2-2-2-3-2
SP Score: 57532 Pathstr: 1-S1-2-2-3-2
SP Score: 57496 Pathstr: 1-3-2-S1-2-2
SP Score: 57036 Pathstr: 2-2-2-S1-2-2

Path Details
File: aintnothinbut.mid
Solution Path: 1-3-2-3-2
Estimated Base score 47461
Estimated 4* cutoff 94922
Estimated 5* cutoff 132890
Estimated Perfect w/o SP 185122
Estimated SP Score 59084
Estimated Total Score 244206
#1 From meas 10.8396 (GY sust) to meas 14.9375 (O sust) ( 10.8396- 14.9375) Score: 6960 (26.0+ 8.8)*200
#2 From meas 39.8750 (GR note) to meas 47.9182 (RB sust) ( 39.9182- 47.9182) Score: 14392 (53.0+19.0)*200
#3 From meas 59.1250 (G note) to meas 64.7500 (GY note) ( 59.1326- 64.7062) Score: 11920 (47.0+12.6)*200
#4 From meas 90.6250 (G note) to meas 98.3365 (GY sust) ( 90.6682- 98.3365) Score: 15524 (68.0+ 9.6)*200
#5 From meas 107.0000 (YB note) to meas 111.5481 (B sust) (107.0438-111.5481) Score: 10288 (44.0+ 7.4)*200

File: aintnothinbut.mid
Solution Path: 2-2-2-3-2
Estimated Base score 47461
Estimated 4* cutoff 94922
Estimated 5* cutoff 132890
Estimated Perfect w/o SP 185122
Estimated SP Score 58624
Estimated Total Score 243746
#1 From meas 26.1250 (YB note) to meas 32.8786 (GY sust) ( 26.1687- 32.8786) Score: 9816 (37.0+12.1)*200
#2 From meas 39.8750 (GR note) to meas 45.4919 (GR sust) ( 39.9182- 45.4919) Score: 11076 (41.0+14.4)*200
#3 From meas 59.1250 (G note) to meas 64.7500 (GY note) ( 59.1326- 64.7062) Score: 11920 (47.0+12.6)*200
#4 From meas 90.6250 (G note) to meas 98.3365 (GY sust) ( 90.6682- 98.3365) Score: 15524 (68.0+ 9.6)*200
#5 From meas 107.0000 (YB note) to meas 111.5481 (B sust) (107.0438-111.5481) Score: 10288 (44.0+ 7.4)*200

File: aintnothinbut.mid
Solution Path: 1-S1-2-2-3-2
Estimated Base score 47461
Estimated 4* cutoff 94922
Estimated 5* cutoff 132890
Estimated Perfect w/o SP 185122
Estimated SP Score 57532
Estimated Total Score 242654
#1 From meas 13.7500 (RB note) to meas 17.9976 (GY sust) ( 13.7932- 17.9976) Score: 8724 (37.0+ 6.6)*200
#2 From meas 39.8750 (GR note) to meas 45.4919 (GR sust) ( 39.9182- 45.4919) Score: 11076 (41.0+14.4)*200
#3 From meas 59.1250 (G note) to meas 64.7500 (GY note) ( 59.1326- 64.7062) Score: 11920 (47.0+12.6)*200
#4 From meas 90.6250 (G note) to meas 98.3365 (GY sust) ( 90.6682- 98.3365) Score: 15524 (68.0+ 9.6)*200
#5 From meas 107.0000 (YB note) to meas 111.5481 (B sust) (107.0438-111.5481) Score: 10288 (44.0+ 7.4)*200