Path Summary (KEY: C = "Compressed" (i.e. don't fully whammy), S = "Skipped", ES = "End Skipped")
SP Score: 23244 Pathstr: 3-2-2-2
SP Score: 22788 Pathstr: 2-3-2-2
SP Score: 22236 Pathstr: 3-2-2-1-S1
SP Score: 21780 Pathstr: 2-3-2-1-S1
SP Score: 21528 Pathstr: 3-2-2-1-ES1
Path Details
File: letthemusicdothetalking.mid.qb.xen
Solution Path: 3-2-2-2
Estimated Base score 31810
Estimated 4* cutoff 63620
Estimated 5* cutoff 89068
Estimated Perfect w/o SP 123017
Estimated SP Score 23244
Estimated Total Score 146261
#1 From meas 48.2500 (Y note) to meas 54.4420 (G sust) ( 48.2490- 54.4420) Score: 5076 (18.0+ 7.4)*200
#2 From meas 90.1250 (Y note) to meas 95.6062 (Y sust) ( 90.1240- 95.6062) Score: 4564 (18.0+ 4.8)*200
#3 From meas 121.1250 (G note) to meas 129.0000 (G note) (121.0682-129.0010) Score: 6472 (25.0+ 7.4)*200
#4 From meas 156.3755 (G note) to meas 164.3745 (G sust) (156.3745-164.3745) Score: 7132 (23.0+12.7)*200
File: letthemusicdothetalking.mid.qb.xen
Solution Path: 2-3-2-2
Estimated Base score 31810
Estimated 4* cutoff 63620
Estimated 5* cutoff 89068
Estimated Perfect w/o SP 123017
Estimated SP Score 22788
Estimated Total Score 145805
#1 From meas 33.3080 (G sust) to meas 37.5000 (G note) ( 33.3080- 37.5010) Score: 3076 (12.0+ 3.4)*200
#2 From meas 85.0000 (G note) to meas 92.4812 (Y sust) ( 84.9990- 92.4812) Score: 6108 (25.0+ 5.5)*200
#3 From meas 121.1250 (G note) to meas 129.0000 (G note) (121.0682-129.0010) Score: 6472 (25.0+ 7.4)*200
#4 From meas 156.3755 (G note) to meas 164.3745 (G sust) (156.3745-164.3745) Score: 7132 (23.0+12.7)*200
File: letthemusicdothetalking.mid.qb.xen
Solution Path: 3-2-2-1-S1
Estimated Base score 31810
Estimated 4* cutoff 63620
Estimated 5* cutoff 89068
Estimated Perfect w/o SP 123017
Estimated SP Score 22236
Estimated Total Score 145253
#1 From meas 48.2500 (Y note) to meas 54.4420 (G sust) ( 48.2490- 54.4420) Score: 5076 (18.0+ 7.4)*200
#2 From meas 90.1250 (Y note) to meas 95.6062 (Y sust) ( 90.1240- 95.6062) Score: 4564 (18.0+ 4.8)*200
#3 From meas 121.1250 (G note) to meas 129.0000 (G note) (121.0682-129.0010) Score: 6472 (25.0+ 7.4)*200
#4 From meas 152.7490 (Y sust) to meas 159.9076 (R sust) (152.7490-159.9076) Score: 6124 (21.0+ 9.6)*200