Path Summary (KEY: C = "Compressed" (i.e. don't fully whammy), S = "Skipped", ES = "End Skipped")
SP Score: 27088 Pathstr: 3-2-2-3
SP Score: 27008 Pathstr: 3-2-3-2
SP Score: 26792 Pathstr: 3-2-2-2-ES1
SP Score: 26692 Pathstr: 3-2-4-ES1
SP Score: 26608 Pathstr: 2-1-2-2-3
Path Details
File: numberofthebeast.mid.qb.ps2
Solution Path: 3-2-2-3
Estimated Base score 44036
Estimated 4* cutoff 88072
Estimated 5* cutoff 123300
Estimated Perfect w/o SP 173294
Estimated SP Score 27088
Estimated Total Score 200382
#1 From meas 42.6854 (GR sust) to meas 50.7500 (RY note) ( 42.6854- 50.6854) Score: 9492 (42.0+ 5.5)*200
#2 From meas 68.3740 (RY note) to meas 74.0000 (RY note) ( 68.2596- 74.0010) Score: 7200 (36.0+ 0.0)*200
#3 From meas 118.0000 (G note) to meas 122.0667 (R sust) (118.0667-122.0667) Score: 3300 (15.0+ 1.5)*200
#4 From meas 200.0000 (RY note) to meas 206.9002 (RY sust) (199.9986-206.9002) Score: 7096 (22.0+13.5)*200
File: numberofthebeast.mid.qb.ps2
Solution Path: 3-2-3-2
Estimated Base score 44036
Estimated 4* cutoff 88072
Estimated 5* cutoff 123300
Estimated Perfect w/o SP 173294
Estimated SP Score 27008
Estimated Total Score 200302
#1 From meas 42.6854 (GR sust) to meas 50.7500 (RY note) ( 42.6854- 50.6854) Score: 9492 (42.0+ 5.5)*200
#2 From meas 68.3740 (RY note) to meas 74.0000 (RY note) ( 68.2596- 74.0010) Score: 7200 (36.0+ 0.0)*200
#3 From meas 128.8745 (GR note) to meas 134.9406 (R sust) (128.9406-134.9406) Score: 4952 (15.0+ 9.8)*200
#4 From meas 200.2817 (RY sust) to meas 205.2500 (RY note) (200.2817-205.1833) Score: 5364 (16.0+10.8)*200
File: numberofthebeast.mid.qb.ps2
Solution Path: 3-2-2-2-ES1
Estimated Base score 44036
Estimated 4* cutoff 88072
Estimated 5* cutoff 123300
Estimated Perfect w/o SP 173294
Estimated SP Score 26792
Estimated Total Score 200086
#1 From meas 42.6854 (GR sust) to meas 50.7500 (RY note) ( 42.6854- 50.6854) Score: 9492 (42.0+ 5.5)*200
#2 From meas 68.3740 (RY note) to meas 74.0000 (RY note) ( 68.2596- 74.0010) Score: 7200 (36.0+ 0.0)*200
#3 From meas 118.0000 (G note) to meas 122.0667 (R sust) (118.0667-122.0667) Score: 3300 (15.0+ 1.5)*200
#4 From meas 164.0000 (RY note) to meas 169.0000 (RY note) (164.0667-168.9683) Score: 6800 (34.0+ 0.0)*200