Path Summary (KEY: C = "Compressed" (i.e. don't fully whammy), S = "Skipped", ES = "End Skipped")
SP Score: 32588 Pathstr: 2-3-S1-2-2
SP Score: 32588 Pathstr: 2-S1-3-2-2
SP Score: 32404 Pathstr: 2-4-S1-2-S1
SP Score: 31988 Pathstr: 3-S1-2-2-2
SP Score: 31804 Pathstr: 2-2-S1-2-2-S1

Path Details
File: mynameisjonas.mid.qb.ps2
Solution Path: 2-3-S1-2-2
Estimated Base score 23376
Estimated 4* cutoff 46752
Estimated 5* cutoff 65452
Estimated Perfect w/o SP 90654
Estimated SP Score 32588
Estimated Total Score 123242
#1 From meas 9.0000 (Y note) to meas 12.9167 (G note) ( 8.9177- 12.9177) Score: 8000 (40.0+ 0.0)*200
#2 From meas 27.9167 (G note) to meas 33.9167 (RY note) ( 27.9177- 33.9177) Score: 12200 (61.0+ 0.0)*200
#3 From meas 41.0000 (G note) to meas 44.8333 (Y note) ( 40.9177- 44.9177) Score: 6400 (32.0+ 0.0)*200
#4 From meas 49.8333 (Y note) to meas 54.0520 (GR sust) ( 49.8370- 54.0520) Score: 5988 (28.0+ 1.9)*200

File: mynameisjonas.mid.qb.ps2
Solution Path: 2-S1-3-2-2
Estimated Base score 23376
Estimated 4* cutoff 46752
Estimated 5* cutoff 65452
Estimated Perfect w/o SP 90654
Estimated SP Score 32588
Estimated Total Score 123242
#1 From meas 11.0833 (Y note) to meas 15.0833 (Y note) ( 11.0844- 15.0844) Score: 8200 (41.0+ 0.0)*200
#2 From meas 28.0000 (Y note) to meas 33.9167 (RY note) ( 27.9177- 33.9177) Score: 12000 (60.0+ 0.0)*200
#3 From meas 41.0000 (G note) to meas 44.8333 (Y note) ( 40.9177- 44.9177) Score: 6400 (32.0+ 0.0)*200
#4 From meas 49.8333 (Y note) to meas 54.0520 (GR sust) ( 49.8370- 54.0520) Score: 5988 (28.0+ 1.9)*200

File: mynameisjonas.mid.qb.ps2
Solution Path: 2-4-S1-2-S1
Estimated Base score 23376
Estimated 4* cutoff 46752
Estimated 5* cutoff 65452
Estimated Perfect w/o SP 90654
Estimated SP Score 32404
Estimated Total Score 123058
#1 From meas 9.0000 (Y note) to meas 12.9167 (G note) ( 8.9177- 12.9177) Score: 8000 (40.0+ 0.0)*200
#2 From meas 28.9167 (G note) to meas 36.9167 (G note) ( 28.9177- 36.9177) Score: 17000 (85.0+ 0.0)*200
#3 From meas 46.4167 (R note) to meas 50.4167 (R note) ( 46.4156- 50.4156) Score: 7404 (36.0+ 1.0)*200