Path Summary (KEY: C = "Compressed" (i.e. don't fully whammy), S = "Skipped", ES = "End Skipped")
SP Score: 98588 Pathstr: 3-2-2-1-2-2-4-2
SP Score: 97764 Pathstr: 3-2-2-1-2-3-3-2
SP Score: 97556 Pathstr: 2-3-2-1-2-2-4-2
SP Score: 97188 Pathstr: 3-2-2-1-2-2-2-2-2
SP Score: 96732 Pathstr: 2-3-2-1-2-3-3-2

Path Details
File: dlc86.mid.qb.xen
Solution Path: 3-2-2-1-2-2-4-2
Estimated Base score 133047
Estimated 4* cutoff 266094
Estimated 5* cutoff 372531
Estimated Perfect w/o SP 529338
Estimated SP Score 98588
Estimated Total Score 627926
#1 From meas 66.6255 (BO note) to meas 74.3004 (YBO sust) ( 66.6557- 74.3004) Score: 14320 (62.0+ 9.6)*200
#2 From meas 115.0000 (RYB note) to meas 119.0312 (O sust) (115.0312-119.0312) Score: 8412 (38.0+ 4.1)*200
#3 From meas 141.0000 (RB note) to meas 146.4485 (RB sust) (141.0302-146.4485) Score: 13028 (61.0+ 4.1)*200
#4 From meas 167.0000 (G note) to meas 173.2500 (G note) (166.9951-173.2510) Score: 10400 (50.0+ 2.0)*200
#5 From meas 207.9865 (GRY sust) to meas 214.5000 (G note) (207.9865-214.4359) Score: 14804 (74.0+ 0.0)*200
#6 From meas 241.0010 (YB note) to meas 245.0000 (YB note) (241.0000-245.0000) Score: 7200 (36.0+ 0.0)*200
#7 From meas 308.0000 (R note) to meas 316.0677 (YBO sust) (308.0677-316.0677) Score: 17824 (89.0+ 0.1)*200
#8 From meas 343.5000 (YB note) to meas 349.5000 (GY note) (343.5187-349.4536) Score: 12600 (58.0+ 5.0)*200

File: dlc86.mid.qb.xen
Solution Path: 3-2-2-1-2-3-3-2
Estimated Base score 133047
Estimated 4* cutoff 266094
Estimated 5* cutoff 372531
Estimated Perfect w/o SP 529338
Estimated SP Score 97764
Estimated Total Score 627102
#1 From meas 66.6255 (BO note) to meas 74.3004 (YBO sust) ( 66.6557- 74.3004) Score: 14320 (62.0+ 9.6)*200
#2 From meas 115.0000 (RYB note) to meas 119.0312 (O sust) (115.0312-119.0312) Score: 8412 (38.0+ 4.1)*200
#3 From meas 141.0000 (RB note) to meas 146.4485 (RB sust) (141.0302-146.4485) Score: 13028 (61.0+ 4.1)*200
#4 From meas 167.0000 (G note) to meas 173.2500 (G note) (166.9951-173.2510) Score: 10400 (50.0+ 2.0)*200
#5 From meas 207.9865 (GRY sust) to meas 214.5000 (G note) (207.9865-214.4359) Score: 14804 (74.0+ 0.0)*200
#6 From meas 250.7500 (YO note) to meas 256.8750 (R note) (250.8094-256.8094) Score: 10400 (52.0+ 0.0)*200
#7 From meas 308.1672 (O note) to meas 314.2500 (R note) (308.1828-314.1828) Score: 13800 (69.0+ 0.0)*200
#8 From meas 343.5000 (YB note) to meas 349.5000 (GY note) (343.5187-349.4536) Score: 12600 (58.0+ 5.0)*200

File: dlc86.mid.qb.xen
Solution Path: 2-3-2-1-2-2-4-2
Estimated Base score 133047
Estimated 4* cutoff 266094
Estimated 5* cutoff 372531
Estimated Perfect w/o SP 529338
Estimated SP Score 97556
Estimated Total Score 626894
#1 From meas 37.7505 (G note) to meas 43.2500 (O note) ( 37.7708- 43.2219) Score: 8900 (44.0+ 0.5)*200
#2 From meas 112.5000 (GYB note) to meas 118.7500 (Y note) (112.5252-118.7188) Score: 12800 (57.0+ 7.0)*200
#3 From meas 141.0000 (RB note) to meas 146.4485 (RB sust) (141.0302-146.4485) Score: 13028 (61.0+ 4.1)*200
#4 From meas 167.0000 (G note) to meas 173.2500 (G note) (166.9951-173.2510) Score: 10400 (50.0+ 2.0)*200
#5 From meas 207.9865 (GRY sust) to meas 214.5000 (G note) (207.9865-214.4359) Score: 14804 (74.0+ 0.0)*200
#6 From meas 241.0010 (YB note) to meas 245.0000 (YB note) (241.0000-245.0000) Score: 7200 (36.0+ 0.0)*200
#7 From meas 308.0000 (R note) to meas 316.0677 (YBO sust) (308.0677-316.0677) Score: 17824 (89.0+ 0.1)*200
#8 From meas 343.5000 (YB note) to meas 349.5000 (GY note) (343.5187-349.4536) Score: 12600 (58.0+ 5.0)*200