Path Summary (KEY: C = "Compressed" (i.e. don't fully whammy), S = "Skipped", ES = "End Skipped")
SP Score: 94556 Pathstr: 1-2-2-S1-2-2-S1
SP Score: 93108 Pathstr: 1-1-3-S1-2-2-S1
SP Score: 92924 Pathstr: 1-2-3-2-2-S1
SP Score: 92628 Pathstr: 2-3-S1-2-2-S1
SP Score: 91120 Pathstr: 1-2-2-S1-2-2-ES1

Path Details
File: dlc63.mid.qb.xen
Solution Path: 1-2-2-S1-2-2-S1
Estimated Base score 75942
Estimated 4* cutoff 151884
Estimated 5* cutoff 212637
Estimated Perfect w/o SP 299874
Estimated SP Score 94556
Estimated Total Score 394430
#1 From meas 22.6875 (R note) to meas 26.8750 (R note) ( 22.6825- 26.8760) Score: 4952 (20.0+ 4.8)*200
#2 From meas 46.6875 (Y note) to meas 54.0381 (R sust) ( 46.6865- 54.0381) Score: 14932 (69.0+ 5.7)*200
#3 From meas 83.0000 (O note) to meas 89.6875 (R note) ( 82.9799- 89.6885) Score: 40456 (202.0+ 0.3)*200
#4 From meas 103.8438 (G note) to meas 107.8427 (B sust) (103.8427-107.8427) Score: 12824 (63.0+ 1.1)*200
#5 From meas 125.5208 (B note) to meas 131.0354 (G sust) (125.5198-131.0354) Score: 21392 (105.0+ 2.0)*200

File: dlc63.mid.qb.xen
Solution Path: 1-1-3-S1-2-2-S1
Estimated Base score 75942
Estimated 4* cutoff 151884
Estimated 5* cutoff 212637
Estimated Perfect w/o SP 299874
Estimated SP Score 93108
Estimated Total Score 392982
#1 From meas 22.6875 (R note) to meas 26.8750 (R note) ( 22.6825- 26.8760) Score: 4952 (20.0+ 4.8)*200
#2 From meas 36.8438 (B note) to meas 41.2495 (R sust) ( 36.8000- 41.2495) Score: 7796 (36.0+ 3.0)*200
#3 From meas 81.0000 (R note) to meas 88.9688 (B note) ( 80.9698- 88.9698) Score: 46144 (230.0+ 0.7)*200
#4 From meas 103.8438 (G note) to meas 107.8427 (B sust) (103.8427-107.8427) Score: 12824 (63.0+ 1.1)*200
#5 From meas 125.5208 (B note) to meas 131.0354 (G sust) (125.5198-131.0354) Score: 21392 (105.0+ 2.0)*200

File: dlc63.mid.qb.xen
Solution Path: 1-2-3-2-2-S1
Estimated Base score 75942
Estimated 4* cutoff 151884
Estimated 5* cutoff 212637
Estimated Perfect w/o SP 299874
Estimated SP Score 92924
Estimated Total Score 392798
#1 From meas 22.6875 (R note) to meas 26.8750 (R note) ( 22.6825- 26.8760) Score: 4952 (20.0+ 4.8)*200
#2 From meas 46.6875 (Y note) to meas 54.0381 (R sust) ( 46.6865- 54.0381) Score: 14932 (69.0+ 5.7)*200
#3 From meas 85.0469 (R note) to meas 93.0417 (Y note) ( 85.0427- 93.0427) Score: 38824 (191.0+ 3.1)*200
#4 From meas 103.8438 (G note) to meas 107.8427 (B sust) (103.8427-107.8427) Score: 12824 (63.0+ 1.1)*200
#5 From meas 125.5208 (B note) to meas 131.0354 (G sust) (125.5198-131.0354) Score: 21392 (105.0+ 2.0)*200