Path Summary (KEY: C = "Compressed" (i.e. don't fully whammy), S = "Skipped", ES = "End Skipped")
SP Score: 87684 Pathstr: 2-3-3
SP Score: 84380 Pathstr: 2-4-2
SP Score: 83956 Pathstr: 2-2-2-2
SP Score: 81660 Pathstr: 2-2-4
SP Score: 79656 Pathstr: 2-2-S1-3
Path Details
File: dlc38.mid.qb.xen
Solution Path: 2-3-3
Estimated Base score 92036
Estimated 4* cutoff 184072
Estimated 5* cutoff 257700
Estimated Perfect w/o SP 365294
Estimated SP Score 87684
Estimated Total Score 452978
#1 From meas 26.1255 (YBO note) to meas 30.8750 (YO note) ( 26.1040- 30.8760) Score: 25904 (128.0+ 1.5)*200
#2 From meas 58.1250 (YBO note) to meas 64.5000 (RB note) ( 58.1150- 64.5010) Score: 32028 (159.0+ 1.1)*200
#3 From meas 97.2500 (RB note) to meas 103.2490 (RB sust) ( 97.2490-103.2490) Score: 29752 (147.0+ 1.8)*200
File: dlc38.mid.qb.xen
Solution Path: 2-4-2
Estimated Base score 92036
Estimated 4* cutoff 184072
Estimated 5* cutoff 257700
Estimated Perfect w/o SP 365294
Estimated SP Score 84380
Estimated Total Score 449674
#1 From meas 26.1255 (YBO note) to meas 30.8750 (YO note) ( 26.1040- 30.8760) Score: 25904 (128.0+ 1.5)*200
#2 From meas 69.1250 (RB note) to meas 77.1240 (RB sust) ( 69.1240- 77.1240) Score: 37724 (188.0+ 0.6)*200
#3 From meas 97.0000 (RB note) to meas 100.9375 (GR note) ( 96.9380-100.9380) Score: 20752 (103.0+ 0.8)*200
File: dlc38.mid.qb.xen
Solution Path: 2-2-2-2
Estimated Base score 92036
Estimated 4* cutoff 184072
Estimated 5* cutoff 257700
Estimated Perfect w/o SP 365294
Estimated SP Score 83956
Estimated Total Score 449250
#1 From meas 26.1255 (YBO note) to meas 30.8750 (YO note) ( 26.1040- 30.8760) Score: 25904 (128.0+ 1.5)*200
#2 From meas 52.5000 (GY note) to meas 56.8755 (GR note) ( 52.4905- 56.8766) Score: 17700 (86.0+ 2.5)*200
#3 From meas 72.6255 (GR note) to meas 76.6245 (GY note) ( 72.6245- 76.6245) Score: 19600 (98.0+ 0.0)*200
#4 From meas 97.0000 (RB note) to meas 100.9375 (GR note) ( 96.9380-100.9380) Score: 20752 (103.0+ 0.8)*200