Path Summary (KEY: C = "Compressed" (i.e. don't fully whammy), S = "Skipped", ES = "End Skipped")
SP Score: 85016 Pathstr: 3-3-S1-2-2
SP Score: 84036 Pathstr: 3-2-2-2-2
SP Score: 84000 Pathstr: 3-C3-3-2
SP Score: 81544 Pathstr: 1-S1-2-2-3-2
SP Score: 81148 Pathstr: 3-S1-2-3-2
Path Details
File: beyondbeautiful.mid.qb.xen
Solution Path: 3-3-S1-2-2
Estimated Base score 56896
Estimated 4* cutoff 113792
Estimated 5* cutoff 159308
Estimated Perfect w/o SP 223485
Estimated SP Score 85016
Estimated Total Score 308501
#1 From meas 26.9729 (YBO sust) to meas 35.0000 (O note) ( 26.9729- 34.9729) Score: 24664 (121.0+ 2.3)*200
#2 From meas 59.8750 (Y note) to meas 67.1875 (O note) ( 59.8943- 67.1604) Score: 24484 (119.0+ 3.4)*200
#3 From meas 80.0312 (Y note) to meas 86.0000 (R note) ( 80.0412- 85.9729) Score: 16916 (83.0+ 1.6)*200
#4 From meas 95.5000 (B note) to meas 99.7292 (O note) ( 95.4990- 99.7212) Score: 18952 (94.0+ 0.8)*200
File: beyondbeautiful.mid.qb.xen
Solution Path: 3-2-2-2-2
Estimated Base score 56896
Estimated 4* cutoff 113792
Estimated 5* cutoff 159308
Estimated Perfect w/o SP 223485
Estimated SP Score 84036
Estimated Total Score 307521
#1 From meas 26.9729 (YBO sust) to meas 35.0000 (O note) ( 26.9729- 34.9729) Score: 24664 (121.0+ 2.3)*200
#2 From meas 48.8125 (YBO note) to meas 53.0000 (O note) ( 48.8396- 52.9724) Score: 10476 (52.0+ 0.4)*200
#3 From meas 65.6875 (B note) to meas 70.8479 (O sust) ( 65.7146- 70.8479) Score: 13028 (59.0+ 6.1)*200
#4 From meas 80.0312 (Y note) to meas 86.0000 (R note) ( 80.0412- 85.9729) Score: 16916 (83.0+ 1.6)*200
#5 From meas 95.5000 (B note) to meas 99.7292 (O note) ( 95.4990- 99.7212) Score: 18952 (94.0+ 0.8)*200
File: beyondbeautiful.mid.qb.xen
Solution Path: 3-C3-3-2
Estimated Base score 56896
Estimated 4* cutoff 113792
Estimated 5* cutoff 159308
Estimated Perfect w/o SP 223485
Estimated SP Score 84000
Estimated Total Score 307485
#1 From meas 26.9729 (YBO sust) to meas 35.0000 (O note) ( 26.9729- 34.9729) Score: 24664 (121.0+ 2.3)*200
#2 From meas 59.1250 (G note) to meas 65.2500 (R note) ( 59.0271- 65.2859) Score: 17836 (86.0+ 3.2)*200
#3 From meas 80.0312 (Y note) to meas 87.9327 (B sust) ( 80.0010- 87.9327) Score: 22548 (110.0+ 2.7)*200
#4 From meas 95.5000 (B note) to meas 99.7292 (O note) ( 95.4990- 99.7212) Score: 18952 (94.0+ 0.8)*200