Path Summary (KEY: C = "Compressed" (i.e. don't fully whammy), S = "Skipped", ES = "End Skipped")
SP Score: 45892 Pathstr: 2-4-3-2
SP Score: 45176 Pathstr: 2-3-S1-3-2
SP Score: 44724 Pathstr: 2-3-2-2-2
SP Score: 44144 Pathstr: 2-2-2-3-2
SP Score: 44072 Pathstr: 2-S1-3-3-2

Path Details
File: redlottery.mid
Solution Path: 2-4-3-2
Estimated Base score 36584
Estimated 4* cutoff 73168
Estimated 5* cutoff 102435
Estimated Perfect w/o SP 143280
Estimated SP Score 45892
Estimated Total Score 189172
#1 From meas 10.4995 (R note) to meas 14.5146 (R sust) ( 10.5146- 14.5146) Score: 5668 (26.0+ 2.3)*200
#2 From meas 44.1250 (GR note) to meas 52.1250 (G note) ( 44.1240- 52.1240) Score: 19664 (88.0+10.3)*200
#3 From meas 68.4844 (R sust) to meas 76.5000 (G note) ( 68.4844- 76.4844) Score: 10968 (48.0+ 6.8)*200
#4 From meas 93.0000 (G note) to meas 97.0000 (R note) ( 92.9990- 96.9990) Score: 9592 (47.0+ 1.0)*200

File: redlottery.mid
Solution Path: 2-3-S1-3-2
Estimated Base score 36584
Estimated 4* cutoff 73168
Estimated 5* cutoff 102435
Estimated Perfect w/o SP 143280
Estimated SP Score 45176
Estimated Total Score 188456
#1 From meas 10.4995 (R note) to meas 14.5146 (R sust) ( 10.5146- 14.5146) Score: 5668 (26.0+ 2.3)*200
#2 From meas 42.1250 (GR note) to meas 48.8500 (GR sust) ( 42.1411- 48.8500) Score: 18948 (85.0+ 9.7)*200
#3 From meas 68.4844 (R sust) to meas 76.5000 (G note) ( 68.4844- 76.4844) Score: 10968 (48.0+ 6.8)*200
#4 From meas 93.0000 (G note) to meas 97.0000 (R note) ( 92.9990- 96.9990) Score: 9592 (47.0+ 1.0)*200

File: redlottery.mid
Solution Path: 2-3-2-2-2
Estimated Base score 36584
Estimated 4* cutoff 73168
Estimated 5* cutoff 102435
Estimated Perfect w/o SP 143280
Estimated SP Score 44724
Estimated Total Score 188004
#1 From meas 10.4995 (R note) to meas 14.5146 (R sust) ( 10.5146- 14.5146) Score: 5668 (26.0+ 2.3)*200
#2 From meas 36.6250 (G note) to meas 43.3500 (GR sust) ( 36.6411- 43.3500) Score: 13332 (61.0+ 5.7)*200
#3 From meas 54.0000 (G note) to meas 58.8633 (R sust) ( 54.0161- 58.8633) Score: 8116 (37.0+ 3.6)*200
#4 From meas 71.1250 (R note) to meas 76.7527 (G sust) ( 71.1411- 76.7527) Score: 8016 (36.0+ 4.1)*200
#5 From meas 93.0000 (G note) to meas 97.0000 (R note) ( 92.9990- 96.9990) Score: 9592 (47.0+ 1.0)*200