Path Summary (KEY: C = "Compressed" (i.e. don't fully whammy), S = "Skipped", ES = "End Skipped")
SP Score: 124568 Pathstr: 3-2-2-2-2-2-S1-3-2-2
SP Score: 124528 Pathstr: 2-3-2-2-2-2-S1-3-2-2
SP Score: 122468 Pathstr: 3-2-2-2-3-S2-3-2-2
SP Score: 122428 Pathstr: 2-3-2-2-3-S2-3-2-2
SP Score: 122100 Pathstr: 3-2-2-2-3-S1-4-2-2
Path Details
File: freebird.mid
Solution Path: 3-2-2-2-2-2-S1-3-2-2
Estimated Base score 108475
Estimated 4* cutoff 216950
Estimated 5* cutoff 303730
Estimated Perfect w/o SP 429599
Estimated SP Score 124568
Estimated Total Score 554167
#1 From meas 39.6724 (R sust) to meas 47.6875 (Y note) ( 39.6724- 47.6724) Score: 15756 (70.0+ 8.8)*200
#2 From meas 64.3125 (B note) to meas 70.0326 (O sust) ( 64.3286- 70.0326) Score: 16092 (75.0+ 5.5)*200
#3 From meas 88.6875 (O note) to meas 96.6250 (B note) ( 88.7271- 96.6212) Score: 16016 (74.0+ 6.1)*200
#4 From meas 103.9375 (O note) to meas 109.2500 (G note) (103.9627-109.2094) Score: 15608 (59.0+19.0)*200
#5 From meas 124.5000 (Y note) to meas 129.5000 (Y note) (124.5069-129.4589) Score: 8500 (36.0+ 6.5)*200
#6 From meas 147.4375 (B note) to meas 152.7500 (Y note) (147.4384-152.7089) Score: 13000 (65.0+ 0.0)*200
#7 From meas 174.8125 (Y note) to meas 181.7500 (BO note) (174.8464-181.7083) Score: 15800 (62.0+17.0)*200
#8 From meas 209.8125 (Y note) to meas 215.8750 (YB note) (209.8115-215.8515) Score: 13500 (64.0+ 3.5)*200
#9 From meas 238.0000 (O note) to meas 243.7390 (O sust) (238.0396-243.7390) Score: 10296 (49.0+ 2.5)*200
File: freebird.mid
Solution Path: 2-3-2-2-2-2-S1-3-2-2
Estimated Base score 108475
Estimated 4* cutoff 216950
Estimated 5* cutoff 303730
Estimated Perfect w/o SP 429599
Estimated SP Score 124528
Estimated Total Score 554127
#1 From meas 11.0000 (B note) to meas 16.4595 (R sust) ( 11.0151- 16.4595) Score: 11224 (51.0+ 5.1)*200
#2 From meas 64.0000 (B note) to meas 72.0161 (Y sust) ( 64.0161- 72.0161) Score: 20584 (95.0+ 7.9)*200
#3 From meas 88.6875 (O note) to meas 96.6250 (B note) ( 88.7271- 96.6212) Score: 16016 (74.0+ 6.1)*200
#4 From meas 103.9375 (O note) to meas 109.2500 (G note) (103.9627-109.2094) Score: 15608 (59.0+19.0)*200
#5 From meas 124.5000 (Y note) to meas 129.5000 (Y note) (124.5069-129.4589) Score: 8500 (36.0+ 6.5)*200
#6 From meas 147.4375 (B note) to meas 152.7500 (Y note) (147.4384-152.7089) Score: 13000 (65.0+ 0.0)*200
#7 From meas 174.8125 (Y note) to meas 181.7500 (BO note) (174.8464-181.7083) Score: 15800 (62.0+17.0)*200
#8 From meas 209.8125 (Y note) to meas 215.8750 (YB note) (209.8115-215.8515) Score: 13500 (64.0+ 3.5)*200
#9 From meas 238.0000 (O note) to meas 243.7390 (O sust) (238.0396-243.7390) Score: 10296 (49.0+ 2.5)*200
File: freebird.mid
Solution Path: 3-2-2-2-3-S2-3-2-2
Estimated Base score 108475
Estimated 4* cutoff 216950
Estimated 5* cutoff 303730
Estimated Perfect w/o SP 429599
Estimated SP Score 122468
Estimated Total Score 552067
#1 From meas 39.6724 (R sust) to meas 47.6875 (Y note) ( 39.6724- 47.6724) Score: 15756 (70.0+ 8.8)*200
#2 From meas 64.3125 (B note) to meas 70.0326 (O sust) ( 64.3286- 70.0326) Score: 16092 (75.0+ 5.5)*200
#3 From meas 88.6875 (O note) to meas 96.6250 (B note) ( 88.7271- 96.6212) Score: 16016 (74.0+ 6.1)*200
#4 From meas 103.9375 (O note) to meas 109.2500 (G note) (103.9627-109.2094) Score: 15608 (59.0+19.0)*200
#5 From meas 144.7500 (Y note) to meas 152.8125 (R note) (144.7714-152.7714) Score: 19400 (97.0+ 0.0)*200
#6 From meas 174.8125 (Y note) to meas 181.7500 (BO note) (174.8464-181.7083) Score: 15800 (62.0+17.0)*200
#7 From meas 209.8125 (Y note) to meas 215.8750 (YB note) (209.8115-215.8515) Score: 13500 (64.0+ 3.5)*200
#8 From meas 238.0000 (O note) to meas 243.7390 (O sust) (238.0396-243.7390) Score: 10296 (49.0+ 2.5)*200