Path Summary (KEY: C = "Compressed" (i.e. don't fully whammy), S = "Skipped", ES = "End Skipped")
SP Score: 37412 Pathstr: 4-2-2-2-2
SP Score: 36648 Pathstr: 4-2-2-3-S1
SP Score: 36280 Pathstr: 4-2-3-2-S1
SP Score: 35664 Pathstr: 3-S1-2-2-2-2
SP Score: 35328 Pathstr: 4-2-3-3
Path Details
File: takemeout.mid
Solution Path: 4-2-2-2-2
Estimated Base score 33209
Estimated 4* cutoff 66418
Estimated 5* cutoff 99627
Estimated Perfect w/o SP 129852
Estimated SP Score 37412
Estimated Total Score 167264
#1 From meas 35.8750 (R note) to meas 43.8953 (Y sust) ( 35.8953- 43.8953) Score: 11356 (55.0+ 1.8)*200
#2 From meas 53.8750 (G note) to meas 57.8953 (Y sust) ( 53.8953- 57.8953) Score: 5256 (25.0+ 1.3)*200
#3 From meas 63.5000 (R note) to meas 67.6875 (GY note) ( 63.4165- 67.6885) Score: 5500 (26.0+ 1.5)*200
#4 From meas 93.1250 (B note) to meas 96.7500 (Y note) ( 92.4790- 96.7510) Score: 5100 (24.0+ 1.5)*200
#5 From meas 110.0000 (YB note) to meas 113.9375 (R note) (110.0120-114.0120) Score: 10200 (46.0+ 5.0)*200
File: takemeout.mid
Solution Path: 4-2-2-3-S1
Estimated Base score 33209
Estimated 4* cutoff 66418
Estimated 5* cutoff 99627
Estimated Perfect w/o SP 129852
Estimated SP Score 36648
Estimated Total Score 166500
#1 From meas 35.8750 (R note) to meas 43.8953 (Y sust) ( 35.8953- 43.8953) Score: 11356 (55.0+ 1.8)*200
#2 From meas 53.8750 (G note) to meas 57.8953 (Y sust) ( 53.8953- 57.8953) Score: 5256 (25.0+ 1.3)*200
#3 From meas 63.5000 (R note) to meas 67.6875 (GY note) ( 63.4165- 67.6885) Score: 5500 (26.0+ 1.5)*200
#4 From meas 106.7500 (RY note) to meas 113.0428 (YB sust) (106.7708-113.0428) Score: 14536 (70.0+ 2.7)*200
File: takemeout.mid
Solution Path: 4-2-3-2-S1
Estimated Base score 33209
Estimated 4* cutoff 66418
Estimated 5* cutoff 99627
Estimated Perfect w/o SP 129852
Estimated SP Score 36280
Estimated Total Score 166132
#1 From meas 35.8750 (R note) to meas 43.8953 (Y sust) ( 35.8953- 43.8953) Score: 11356 (55.0+ 1.8)*200
#2 From meas 53.8750 (G note) to meas 57.8953 (Y sust) ( 53.8953- 57.8953) Score: 5256 (25.0+ 1.3)*200
#3 From meas 74.4572 (R sust) to meas 80.7500 (Y note) ( 74.4572- 80.7292) Score: 8516 (37.0+ 5.6)*200
#4 From meas 108.6875 (R note) to meas 113.0000 (YB note) (108.7066-112.9786) Score: 11152 (54.0+ 1.8)*200