Hi, and welcome to SlowHero.

This site is an independant support site for the ScoreHero forums, and in particularly hosts a variety of charts for the Guitar Hero series of games.

If you have any questions about these charts, please take a look here: SlowHero thread on ScoreHero.

The following charts were generated using an alternative whammy rate (3.34%) for cdw01

Guitar Hero I:  easy | medium | hard | expert

Guitar Hero II -- PS2:  easy | medium | hard | expert

Guitar Hero II -- X360:  easy | medium | hard | expert

Guitar Hero Encore : Rock the 80s:  easy | medium | hard | expert

This is a duplication of the gh3 charts at bradleyzoo, here for convenience

Guitar Hero III:  easy | medium | hard | expert

GH3 DLC charts, updated regularly

Guitar Hero III -- DLC:  easy | medium | hard | expert

GH:Aerosmith charts, work in progress - there are known issues with these charts

Guitar Hero Aerosmith:  blank charts | easy | medium | hard | expert

GH:Aerosmith charts: alternate whammy rate, should be closer to reality

Guitar Hero Aerosmith (alt):  blank charts | easy | medium | hard | expert

Guitar Hero: World Tour

Blank Charts: Guitar Bass Drums ALL (144M zip)

Guitar Hero: World Tour - DLC

Blank Charts: Guitar Bass Drums ALL (160M zip)

Guitar Hero: Metallica

Blank Charts: Guitar Bass Drums ALL (156M zip)

Misc info

Guitar Hero III   technical information

Known bugs and planned features with spopt  readme.txt

If you have any questions about anything on this site, I can be contacted on the www.scorehero.com forums, user 'tma'.